Blue Monday Myth

January’s third Monday, “Blue Monday”, is thought to be the most depressing day of the year. It isn’t… Read our 5 tips below on how you can avoid this PR stunt and be happier than ever.

London   North

Blue Monday is a PR stunt that was originally dreamed up by psychologist Cliff Arnall for Sky Travel in 2004 to sell holidays. It is a myth, a false calculation based on the formula below, with no scientific backing.

Blue Monday

W = Weather D = Debt d = Monthly salary T = Time since Christmas Q = Time since failing our new year’s resolutions M = Low motivational levels Na = The feeling of a need to take action

Frustratingly while this should be taken as tongue in cheek, this PR stunt preys on the mental fragility of people, following the darker, colder season and actually encourages the feeling of ‘feeling blue’. Which we at Floatworks try to discourage at all times.

Take 5 to consider the points below

  1. We all have ‘good and bad’ days, not just on this Monday, or any other particular day of the year

  2. When we have ‘bad’ days, it is ok, it is normal. It could be from hormonal changes, stresses or lifestyle choices (e.g. dietary and exercise habits)

  3. Think of what ‘good’ feels like. A great way of overcoming your ‘bad’ days, is by thinking about how you feel when you are in a good mood. This can release feel-good hormones in the body and help improve your mindset

  4. You may be affected by a lack of sunlight from the shorter days or inability to get outside in sun. You may want to consider a SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) lamp that mimics the effect of sunlight and increases the production of Serotonin, improving your mood.

  5. Smiling and laughing has shown to make us all feel happier. Have a look at a recent comedy you haven’t yet seen, try to organise an online social event with friends, or choose to make an effort to do that thing that YOU really like, not for anyone else but just you.

Selfcare is so important, now perhaps more than ever, so don’t listen to the commercial waffle of when you feel the ‘bluest’. Turn that frown upside down, take a deep breath and enjoy life to the fullest.

Experience ‘The Deepest Relaxation’ and book a float today. You are worth it.


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