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The Benefits of Floating

Relaxation icon


The deep state of relaxation which floating brings about is profound, lasting long after your session.

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Sleep and insomnia icon

Sleep and insomnia

Floating deactivates the systems which can keep us awake at night – giving us longer and more refreshing sleep.

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Mindfulness and meditation icon

Meditation and mindfulness

Floating increases focus, making it easier to reach a meditative state both in the pod and elsewhere.

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Consciousness exploration icon

Consciousness exploration

Floating can help us gain a different perspective, explore our minds, enhance creativity, and even lead to ‘Eureka’ moments.

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General wellbeing icon

General wellbeing

Scientific trials show that floating improves people’s sense of wellbeing and overall happiness.

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Physical therapy and pain icon

Physical therapy and pain

Floating relieves back pain, helps the body heal from exercise and injury, and decreases the perception of pain.

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Stress and anxiety relief icon

Stress and anxiety relief

Floating activates our resting and healing state and reduces anxiety and stress.

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Connection with self icon

Connection with self

In a disconnected and demanding world, people float to reconnect with themselves.

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What Are The Benefits Of Floating?

In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become commonplace. Despite our best efforts, finding moments of tranquility and peace can seem elusive. This is where float therapy, also known as sensory deprivation therapy, emerges as a beacon of hope. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the transformative benefits of float therapy and its profound impact on physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Understanding Float Therapy:

Float therapy, often referred to as floatation therapy or isolation therapy, involves immersing oneself in a sensory deprivation tank filled with a saline solution. The buoyancy of the water, saturated with Epsom salts, allows individuals to effortlessly float, relieving pressure on joints and muscles. The tank is carefully designed to eliminate external stimuli, including light, sound, and gravity, creating a serene environment conducive to relaxation and introspection.

The Science Behind Float Therapy:

Numerous scientific studies have highlighted the therapeutic benefits of float therapy. Research shows that floating induces a deep state of relaxation, triggering the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators. Additionally, float therapy has been found to reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, leading to decreased anxiety and improved overall well-being. Studies have also demonstrated the effectiveness of float therapy in alleviating chronic pain, improving sleep quality, and enhancing cognitive function.

The 5 Key Benefits of Floating:

1. Floating can help to Reduce Stress:

Float therapy offers a multitude of health benefits that extend beyond relaxation. One of its primary advantages is stress reduction. By immersing oneself in a sensory-deprived environment, individuals can disconnect from the pressures of daily life and enter a state of profound tranquillity. This reduction in stress has far-reaching effects, including improved cardiovascular health, enhanced immune function, and better mood regulation.

A 2018 study by the Laureate Institute for Brain Research found:

‘Floating substantially reduced anxiety, with participants reporting significant reductions in stress, muscle tension, pain, depression and negative affect, accompanied by a significant improvement in mood characterised by increases in serenity, relaxation, happiness and overall well-being […] the most severely anxious participants reported the largest effects’.

2. Floating can help you get Better Sleep

Floating has been shown to improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. The sensory deprivation experienced during floating helps calm the mind and body, making it easier to unwind and fall asleep. Additionally, float therapy can help regulate the sleep-wake cycle by balancing cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for stress response. By creating a peaceful environment free from distractions, floating encourages deep, restorative sleep, leading to improved overall well-being and daytime functioning.

Read our real case study on how floating has helped one of our many customers to transform her sleep.

3. Floating enhances Athletic Performance:

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike have embraced float therapy as a means of accelerating recovery and optimising performance. The weightlessness experienced during floating helps alleviate muscle tension and soreness, allowing for faster recovery after intense workouts. Additionally, float therapy promotes mental clarity and focus, enabling athletes to visualise success and fine-tune their performance on the field or court.

NBA players Stephen Curry and Harrison Barnes both use floatation therapy to visualise, heal and enhance their overall performance. A study on basketball players displayed evidence of skill improvement after floatation. It’s suspected that the more relaxed state, enabled for keener focus on shooting, leading to a higher percentage of successful shots.

4. Floating promotes Mental Wellbeing:

Float therapy has emerged as a valuable tool for promoting mental well-being and resilience. In today’s hyper-connected world, many individuals struggle with anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. Float therapy offers a reprieve from the constant stimulation of modern life, allowing individuals to reconnect with themselves and gain perspective on their thoughts and emotions. The profound sense of relaxation experienced during floating can have a lasting impact on mental health, fostering resilience and emotional balance.

5. Floating Helps to Releive Pain:

High concentrations of Epsom salts in the water allow us to float weightlessly, taking pressure off of our joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons, which can’t even be replicated lying down in bed. This is why floating has been reported to have significant beneficial impacts on conditions including hypertension, chronic tension headaches, and chronic pain in the back and neck.

Floatation therapy has been found to be particularly effective in reducing muscle tension. A study published in the “International Journal of Stress Management” revealed that regular floatation sessions significantly reduced muscle tension, leading to pain relief. Dr. John Turner, a leading pain management specialist, notes, “The magnesium-rich Epsom salt in the water aids muscle relaxation, while the weightlessness reduces the pressure on muscles, offering relief from muscle pain.”

Read more on how floating can help with muscle and chronic pain.

Embarking on Your Float Therapy Journey?

Whether you’re seeking relief from stress and anxiety or looking to enhance your overall well-being, float therapy offers a sanctuary for rejuvenation and self-discovery. At our state-of-the-art facility in London Vauxhall, you’ll find the most relaxing environment equipped with the best sensory deprivation tanks. Our friendly and experienced Float & Wellbeing guides are always there to providing you with a transformative float therapy experience tailored to your needs and preferences. Join us on this journey to inner peace and holistic wellness and book a float today.