Alice Maisetti: A Refreshed Yoga Practice in the Self-Isolation Moment

While we’re closed, we believe it is important as ever to stay connected, inspired, and help each other. As each of us is impacted by the current health crisis, we enter a space where we can reflect deeply. While we’re closed, our journal will feature one member of our Floatworks family, where we’ll share what they are doing to stay well, be mindful, get creative, and find meaning in this moment.

Not too long before the borders closed and we settled into our homes, Alice Maisetti had already moved to Sri Lanka. Alice is in a unique moment of her life, traveling and evolving her yoga practice in new ways. A yoga teacher by profession, Alice moved from London to Sri Lanka to become a student of yoga again and find new inspiration in her practice.

Alice is a long-term member of the Floatworks family, whose practice we love following. With an established online presence, she is creating even more online content during self-isolation, incorporating new types of yoga that can be learned from your living room. To welcome new followers, she is offering free online classes.


The evolution of Alice’s yoga involves these virtual classes, something she has been wanting to do long before COVID-19. With each video, Alice has been getting more comfortable teaching in front of a camera and learning from her mistakes. As she reflects on aspects of teaching from home, she shares a sense of gratitude for the present moment, as it guides her somewhere she’s wanted to go for some time – teaching online.

Alice is an uplifting spirit, with an adventurous heart and a positive outlook on life. This is something that hasn’t changed in these times. If anything, her spirit rises. You can feel the smile of her presence, even on a video call. Alice shared that these times represent, to her, “a universal call for us to be more present now, instead of thinking about what’s next.” She continued, “it’s a time to appreciate what you have,” as well as, “to notice anything you want to change about your life.”

Alice may not be changing much about her life at the moment, but she is adding passion to what she already loves. She’s trying new recipes, vegetarian, and with that Italian special something. She’s connecting to friends and family. She’ll explore more of Sri Lanka after this time has passed, but for now, Alice said it’s the best time to connect with each other and go with the flow.


In some ways, Alice’s inner call for inspiration that brought her to Sri Lanka may be what many of us are feeling now. While none of us are able to leave our homes to travel and seek in these same ways, we can connect to the spirit of what Alice is exploring in a more internal sense – finding fresh inspiration, becoming a student again, and starting over in some refreshed way.

You can follow Alice on Instagram here.

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