Our no-nonsense guide to reducing city-life stress...

Ever feel like the world’s moving a little too fast to keep up? Try these simple stress-reducing tips to help you find your footing again….

Now this is how you destress w1300

It can all get a little too much sometimes, can’t it? And as much as we might like to, life’s many demands mean we can’t spend 24 hours a day floating our problems and stresses away (oh, just imagine!). Work, relationships, finances and health can all add stress to our day-to-day lives, often without us even consciously registering it.

Here we look at some simple ways you can take back control of life, with just a few nips and tucks to your routine.

Smile… It’s contagious!

No matter what language you speak, smile at someone and chances are they’ll smile back at you. Positive people inflict positive energy on those around them, and even if you have to force it sometimes, research shows that smiling can boost the immune system, help you live longer, make you more attractive, and – crucially – reduce stress (not least because it uses less muscles than a scowl). So there, misery guts!

Break those bad habits… And pick up some healthy new ones.

That Diet Coke on the way to the office. The first-thing-in-the-morning cigarette. The 3pm triple-chocolate muffin to keep your energy levels up. Humans are creatures of habit, and while some are obviously much worse than others, recognising unhealthy habits and routines is the first step to breaking them. And finding new, healthy ones can be just as positive an experience as resting on comfortable laurels.

Exercise. Even a little.

It’s the one thing we’re all capable of doing every day that doesn’t have to cost a penny. And we don’t mean just dragging yourself to the gym after the 9-5. Picking up healthy habits, hopping off the bus a few stops early, or just squeezing a few crunches in while watching Great British Bake Off can help you reach a better state of mind.

Manage your goals; don’t let them manage you.

It’s important to remember that even just a small change, or a small step, can help you on your way to a more relaxed mindset – especially where exercise is concerned. Okay, so you didn’t make it to the gym when you said you would. Or you had that extra glass of wine you said you wouldn’t. Don’t beat yourself up about it – adjust your own goalposts and take achievable steps to the big goals. You won’t get there in one giant leap.


Question: What do Def Jam Founder Russell Simmons, Oprah Winfrey, and Tupperware CEO Rick Goings all have in common? Answer: They all incorporate meditation into their daily routine, of course!

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It doesn’t have to be life-consuming and there are strategies out there for everyone; whether married to a healthy floating schedule or not, a spot of meditation in your daily routine can do wonders for stress levels, and help you get a clearer mind of the tasks ahead.

Caffeine: cut it out.

Easier said than done, right? We’ve all heard the horror stories of caffeine withdrawal: headaches, nausea, twitches and muscle aches. But remember those manageable goals: four cups of coffee a day can easily become three, then two, then one. Caffeine by design encourages the release of cortisol in the brain, which – yep, you guessed it – is the infamous stress hormone. It’s a no-brainer.

A tidy home is a happy home. The same goes for your desk!

You know when you’ve got that one big task to do, but you’ll find every conceivable excuse to put it off? Whether it’s cooking the Sunday roast, writing a hefty report on a Tuesday evening or putting together some IKEA flat-pack, you’ll find it a much easier challenge to overcome in a clean, tidy environment. Plus it’s nice to be house-proud, isn’t it?

Do something selfless today.

It’s a somewhat sad truth that random acts of kindness are exceptional enough to go viral on the internet. Take the story of Bo Paske, a young autistic boy who made a new friend at lunch a few weeks back.

Travis Rudolph’s small, selfless act no doubt helped Bo’s sense of wellbeing that day, and his mum said it would “not be forgotten”.

Here’s the interesting bit: as recently as March this year, UCLA scientists have begun to find evidence that we as humans are more programmed to be altruistic than previously thought, while the very undertaking of altruistic acts has been incorporated into stress management plans for years. Although we can’t help but consider the paradox: if you do something altruistic knowing it’ll help reduce your stress levels (therefore benefitting you), is it really altruistic? One to ponder in next week’s float…

Float regularly.

Of course we’re going to mention floating here. It’s certainly helped us destress and relax. But don’t just take our word for it. Over to you Olympic finalist rower John Collins:

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Still feeling stressed? Check out our latest floating offers to find out firsthand how floating can help you live a more peaceful life…

