Happy 2022 - New Year New Mindset

Start the New Year with a New Mindset - Know your why, be specific and consistent and let Floating help you achieve your goals n 2022.

“Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.” ― Tony Robbins

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It’s the start of a New Year, which means that it’s time to turn those New Year’s resolutions into reality. However, studies have shown that around two-thirds of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions within a month. The study also found that most people make resolutions related to either diet or exercise, and that people tend to make the same resolutions year after year. So how exactly do we get off the hamster wheel of broken promises? It starts with your mindset.

Know Your Why

It may sound obvious, but you need to ask yourself exactly why do you want to lose weight, get fit, start a business, learn a new language etc.? Having a clear purpose behind your goals is likelier to motivate you to stay consistent. A lot of people give up on the first hurdle, but if you know WHY you’re doing something you will find a way to keep going no matter what obstacle comes your way.

This also comes down to intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is when motivation comes from within. When you’re motivated intrinsically it’s because you enjoy doing something. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is when motivation comes from external factors such as approval from others or a reward. Intrinsic motivation needs to be heavily tied into your why in order to succeed.

Say your goal is to lose weight; you need to ask yourself why do I actually want to lose weight? Is it because I want others to approve of me and find me more attractive, or is it because I want to be healthier so that I can feel more energetic and confident? When we allow others to dictate how we feel, we are far likelier to give up when we face the slightest bit of criticism. Therefore, intrinsic motivation is the key to sustaining long term motivation.

When you do something because YOU enjoy it and it makes YOU feel good, you’ll find a reason to keep going no matter what.

Be Specific and Consistent

People often make the mistake of setting one big goal and throwing themselves into the deep end. This is the quickest way to failure. When you hold unrealistic expectations for yourself, you instantly self-sabotage. As the saying goes “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. However, when you break your goals down into smaller, actionable chunks you’re likelier to be consistent. It’s also important to make specific goals.

Research by Professor Joanne M. Dickson shows that people that make vague goals such as to “get fit” are less likely to follow through on their goals in comparison to people that set specific goals such as “go on a 45-minute walk around the lake with Jane on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings.” Furthermore, Dickson states that prior research: “has shown that setting specific goals that include a time, place, and/or people provide the mental cues to assist people to stick to their resolution goals.”*

Therefore, a big part of staying disciplined is setting small goals that are specific and done consistently. Once you change your mindset around how to reach your goals, you will naturally choose the right actions to help you achieve them.

As Ryan Holiday says in The Obstacle Is the Way: “Where the head goes, the body follows. Perception precedes action. Right action follows the right perspective.”

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How Floating Can Help

As we’ve established so far, changing your mindset is fundamental towards achieving your goals and changing your life. However, sometimes we need extra tools to help us accelerate the process of conditioning our minds for success. This is where floating comes in.

Floating in a sensory deprivation tank removes all external stimuli and distractions, allowing you to focus on yourself and your own thoughts, free from the opinions of others. The darkness and stillness inside our pods enables you to visualise your goals with more clarity, and it’s no secret that visualisation is an important technique for success (athletes often use it as part of their training). If you can see it and believe it, you can achieve it.

Furthermore, floating can also help to inspire new, creative ideas as you become more aware of the present moment, and free from worry of the future or the past. When you’re more present, you’re likelier to have more positive self-talk as opposed to negative self-talk that will deter you from taking action.

If you want to start the New Year with a new mindset, sign up to one of our memberships and see how floating consistently can change your mind and your life.

Enjoy 15% off memberships until 4th January 2022.
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Research by Professor Joanne M. Dickson can be found here.

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