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Why I float: Harite Chhagan

Water Data

There’s something inside the water. There is an abundance of data inside the water. I love water as I am connecting with it more & more. It’s more than just water. It’s everything. It’s a beautiful ancient calling. A connection & a conversation with oneself. We are water & we must practice to become just like pure water. Water is not positive & it is not negative. It is simply & truly neutral. Just like life. We go through emotions & feelings of both positives & negatives to reach a neutral peaceful nice state in time. We cry & release tears of pain & joy. We drink water to rehydrate & focus. We shower in raindrops of thoughts & they become our visions of clarity. We swim to become strong & sync with the abundance of the ocean noises of our stories. We create ripples, which become waves upon waves in life. We are gifts of a precious life that are interlinking everyday here. We all have water inside of us.

Present Moments Here

I love to float. I know when my next float is because it will always be in the present moment just like my first ever float session. A beautiful checkpoint to arrive at which I have already sent out. I float for multiple reasons during that present moment. It’s a feeling inside a feeling. You can go wherever you want to go. I see everything what I want to see. My future past & present. I’m here because I’m here with my thoughts, feelings & negative positive emotions to make me neutral again with water. I have come very far to arrive at this present moment. I check myself in & I sync my current data that I have personally collected here strong. The present moment is the beautiful gift of many gifts on this path. I am already mapping.

5 Senses of Love Languages

I call it the healing chamber. I see, hear & feel everything & nothing. A flowing river entering an ocean of total emptiness & visionary growth thoughts. There is beauty & appreciation in all my post float showers. The tiny but powerful raindrops touching my sensitive hands are everything about me becomes a new beautiful me. My 5 senses become amplified & ready to be put into practice here on earth & within my circles of circles. The body is a means to travel & the common language becomes a very poor means of expression. I speak the truth but they are all lies as you can’t express truly your feelings, emotions & your visuals. You can’t paint the picture live because it has already happened in the future past in my thoughts. We respect, love & celebrate the gift of life in the present moment to appreciate to give, receive & share.